Monday, November 10, 2014

The Creation of Titans Part:1 (Attack on Titan)

     Welcome readers to my first post on my theories on The Creation of Titans! If you read part 0 of this series (Is that what its called?) than you will know that I am trying to find out how Titans were created, if not now you know. I am also making a quick note stating that These Theories Apply to the Anime Not The Manga so if you want to comment on the post than please do not mention spoilers, I would really appreciate it! But back to the topic on hand! This post will be focused on the likelihood of Titan Evolution, and the next post will be about the likelihood of Creationism (through science or not). Yes I am bring up the age old argument of Evolution vs. Creationism, now before you pick sides first read Part:1 and Part:2 (which will be out next week), I would really appreciate it. Also A Quick Warning: I will be using terms and explanations that may be foreign to you, but I will try my best use them as little as possible, also if you are confused about anything feel free to ask!

     Now that I have finished the introduction I can start talking about my theories on Titan Evolution, but what is Evolution? Well readers the theory of evolution was made famous by Charles Darwin and expresses that life evolved through natural selection (picking a mate to reproduce with based on traits). How does this apply to Titans? Well if you ever thought about what gave Titans their physical traits, than you come to believe that Titans inherited those traits overtime. If one of mankind's ancestors created a separate branch of hominids that had carnivore traits and a "conscience" than the hominid specie would eventually evolve through natural selection, picking physical traits like size, and strength; which would give Titans the strength and size you see in the Anime. The show explained that the Titans do not need to eat, drink, or have bowel movements, these traits would also come from another part of natural selection.

     If the hominid Titans (that's what I'm going to call them for now) were living in a unfriendly environment for life, than they would need these select traits. Natural Selection strikes again! Naturally the hominid Titans would be mating with those who could preserve food and water in their bodies, and those who's bodies could use it efficiently, which would give them the natural ability to go long periods of time without food or water. With hominid Titans with negative traits dying off the ones with positive traits live on (The strong survive and the weak die), Titans as a species become genetically stronger and pass on these traits to the next generations. The show expressed that the Titans do not reproduce, but Titans may not reproduce through traditional methods, it is highly possible that they are asexual (reproduce without a partner) since there is only one gender of Titans (which is Titan).

     To sum up what we have so far (which is a fair bit), Titans originally a branch of hominid that developed their physical traits through natural selection and also developed their lack of need for food and water through natural selection due to their environment, which it is also highly likely that Titans are also asexual. What we have not explained yet is their ability to regenerate, this really stumped me, since I don't believe it is from rapid cell generation. Rapid cell reproduction is when your cells reproduce extremely fast, this is usually due to a cellular mutation, which is very similar to cancer. Sounds like it could be the answer, but it isn't. With rapid cellular reproduction it could quickly heal any wound, but your cells shouldn't stop reproducing, they should continue to reproduce without end and would quickly lead to the deformity of Titans followed by death. Which is the part that stumps me, but we can probably assume that Titans have something similar to rapid cell reproduction.

     So overall Titans came to be due to evolution, mainly due to natural selection due to their environment, and their regenerative ability is similar to rapid cellular generation. I hope you liked the post and also Part:1 on the Creation of Titans, this part explored the possibility of evolution and next week I will be exploring the possibility of Creationism (through scientific creation and spiritual). Also I would really like to hear some of your theories on the creation of titans but please do not add any spoilers from the manga, Thank You! I hope you will stock around for part: 2 which is coming out next week, and remember this is only a Virgin Theory!

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